Monday, August 20, 2012


It's amazing how fast I lost track of time with two kids and it looks like my blogging is what gets put on the back burner.  Thankfully that hasn't spilled over to my knitting!  Although I have more productive weeks than others, for example: The Olympics!  I got at least 6 hats finished in 16 days, granted, they were mostly newborn hats, but still...

Today I'm featuring one of my favorite hat categories...  MONSTERS!

What I love most about these is that my amazing fans help me with so many ideas and feedback.  Anywhere from color combinations to mouth ideas.  I constantly ask myself "Why didn't I think of that?"  

So a huge THANK YOU! and keep the suggestions coming!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Flower Hats

Here are a few of the hats I've made for some of my amazing clients!!!

I love getting suggestions for color combinations because YOU always come up with things that I haven't even come close to thinking up yet.

I'm going to try a double flower with a rolled brim for my next hat style so stay tuned! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Stress Relief

This weekend was a rough weekend.  My grumpy, feisty, stubborn grandma (we lovingly call her "Grumpy Grandma" for a reason) was rushed to the hospital due to complications with a gall bladder surgery that she had had earlier in the week.  It took 3 days of her being in incredible pain before doctors could figure out what was wrong.

That kind of stress is hard to deal with.  I get antsy and feel the need to do something.  Most of the time I turn to knitting when I start feeling like this. So it's no surprise I got 3 hats finished this weekend.  I knitted like a mad woman any chance I got.  I was thankful to have something to do and needed to have that sense of accomplishment when I was able to finish a hat.

Thankfully she'll be fine and back to being herself in a few days and I am on to knitting another hat and doing what I love to do.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


There's really no way to start this without sounding super cheesy but I do want you to know a little bit about who I am and why I chose to do what I do.

I am a married, mother of two enjoying my last year as a "20 something".  I started knitting back in college when my Anatomy and Physiology class got too stressful for me (I have a teaching degree specializing in PE and Health).  I got hooked and never looked back.

I currently stay hat home with my energetic 2 year old son and my laid back 4 month old daughter, 2 cats and a dog.  Most days my life is crazy but I still find time to sit, relax and knit.

When we found out we were pregnant with a girl, I freaked... just a little.  I always wanted two boys and then a girl.  I already had one boy and just expected this one to be a boy too.  So to combat the nervousness of having a girl, I decided to knit her a hat, with pink (a color which I'm not a fan of) and have it ready for her when she was born.  It turned out much cuter than I expected and I was proud of my first design. 

I started getting comments on her hat and with some gentle pushing and shoving from some friends, decided I would try to sell my hats.  And here I am!!  I love feeling the accomplishment of finishing a hat.  I take a lot of pride in my work.  

So thank you for taking the time to check out my blog.  If you have a hat, I would love to see a picture of it (and you).  I would also love to hear comments and suggestions.

Thank you!!